561Repair (Boca Raton Auto Repair)

Complete Auto Repair Services


Our Promise

At 561Repair (Boca Raton Auto Repair) we dedicate ourselves to provide you with excellence in auto repair.
We accomplish this through highly trained and certified auto technicians and the latest equipment.

The quality of our Auto Service Technicians is state of the art and we use only the most excellent of auto parts.

Our goal is to be the repair service center where you know you will get your repair done reliably the first time and at a fair car repair price list.

24/7 Emergency Repair Service.

TEL: 561-826-6963

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Our Services

561Repair (Boca Raton Auto Repair) Offers:

Auto Repair, Oil Change, Tire Rotation, Ac Repair, AC Charge, Brakes, Engine Repair, Transmission Repair, Windshield Wipers, Auto Body Work, Auto Windshield, Battery Replacement, Towing & other General Maintenance.

We Service All Major Domestic And Foreign Vehicles

561Repair (Boca Raton Auto Repair)

Expert Auto Repair with a Personal Touch 

With so many choices for auto repair and maintenance available to you, how do you know which to choose? We get to know each of our customers individually and that personal touch assures them the very best service available. We invite you to visit us and see for yourself how we are the choice you can depend on.

Auto Repair & Maintenance Standards for Excellence

561Repair (Boca Raton Auto Repair), we dedicate ourselves to provide you with excellence in auto repair. We accomplish this through highly trained and certified auto technicians and the latest equipment. The quality of our Auto ServiceTechnicians is state of the art and we use only the most excellent of auto parts. Our goal is to be the repair service center where you know you will get your repair done reliably the first time and at a fair car repair price list.

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Hard Working Employees & Service Providers
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Happy Customers

Cash for Cars

Looking to sell your car or want to know how much we will pay you for it? Call us today 561-877-1877

Come visit us!

Meet Us

131 NW 13th St Suite 41 Boca Raton

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Hours of Operation

Mon - Fri 8:30am to 5:30pm & Sat 10am to 2pm Sun Closed